Hi, I'm Christian Zielinski and I live in Düsseldorf, Germany. I'm an IT professional and work as a Team Lead in Technical Architecture, advise teams in Agile Project Management and explore applications of Quantum Computing. You can get in touch with me via LinkedIn.
I am an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, an iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture (CPSA-F), a Professional Scrum Master (PSM I & PSM II) and a Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I).
I graduated with a PhD in the Mathematical Sciences from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. My research dealt with improving large-scale Monte Carlo computer simulations of elementary particles in lattice gauge theories. My postgraduate studies also included a stay as a guest scientist at the University of Wuppertal, Germany. Before that I finished my degree in physics with distinction at the Heidelberg University, Germany.
Publications in Computational Physics
Note that in the field of lattice field theory authors are traditionally listed in alphabetical order. Click on a thumbnail to view the corresponding paper. For more information please refer to my arXiv profile.
Locality of staggered overlap operators
Theoretical and Computational Aspects of New Lattice Fermion Formulations (PhD Thesis)
Theoretical and Computational Aspects of New Lattice Fermion Formulations (PhD Defense)
Staggered domain wall fermions
Spectral properties and chiral symmetry violations of (staggered) domain wall fermions in the Schwinger model
Simple QED- and QCD-like Models at Finite Density
Continuum limit of the axial anomaly and index for the staggered overlap Dirac operator: An overview
Computational efficiency of staggered Wilson fermions: A first look
Thirring model at finite density in $2+1$ dimensions with stochastic quantization
Thirring model at finite density in $0+1$ dimensions with stochastic quantization: Crosscheck with an exact solution
Entanglement Efficiencies in $\mathcal{PT}$-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics
Talks in Computer Science
Click on a thumbnail to view the corresponding presentation.
Secure Multi-Party Computations: An Introduction
Concurrent Computations on Multicore Processors: Threads & Subprocesses (PyCon SG 2015)